
Monday 18 February 2013

Pre-natal bonding :Talk to your baby in the womb

For the mum:
Its now been proven scientifically that a baby in the womb hears the voice of her mother and when born they recognize the mother's voice .Also children who were talked to while in the womb have better chances of  language cognition when they are born.Asides from that it helps in faster cognitive development of the baby .Mothers should note that their babies feel what they feel and hence should ensure as much as possible, that they feel good all the time. Babies pick up their mother's predominant emotions while in the womb.The following tips would help you bond with your unborn baby and     prepare you for the post-natal bonding .

  • Give your baby a name,  (say "John" for instance) 
  • Talk to your baby as though he's right there - beside you.When you wake up in the morning,while rubbing your tummy say something like -"hello , john hope you had a beautiful night sleep.We are awake to another beautiful day". As you go from one event in your day to another,talk to your baby. say for instance you want to prepare breakfast in the kitchen, you could say "John , lets go and make some breakfast, first we get our ingredients from the cupboard ,then we turn on the gas .........". Use words that puts you in the feeling place of talking to someone who really understands you.Use words like "us", "we" ,... instead of  "me","I"...
  •  Listen to music during the day and sing or hum along. Music is a relaxation method for both mother and child.It also helps to prepare an unborn infant's ears and brain for the outside world.Music like morzat and various classical music are recommended.But the music should not be too loud nor sound chaotic/discordant.
  • Read to your baby .Get some children's books that tell stories in both words and lots of pictures   and read to your baby.As you read explain some of the terms in a  loving and affectionate manner.Emotionalize the stories by saying things like "wao John isn't this lovely/interesting/exciting" and accompany it with the commensurate gestures.Stick to books with happy stories. 
  • Dedicate some time alone with your baby say an hour in a day.Talk to him about the kind of future you would like him to have and the exciting life he's going to live with you and dad by his side.
At first ,all these might feel silly or you might forget to carry baby along in your activities, but keep at it . Remember you are on a journey to raising a champion.So its usually advisable to involve your spouse, and to also begin early in the pregnancy so you can start getting the hang of it before the sixth month.Always have this at the back of your mind , that every event the baby experiences triggers neural impulses that help strengthen inter-cellular connections in the brain .

Thursday 7 February 2013

Pre-natal bonding

A lot of couples wait for the delivery of their baby before thinking of parental bonding . But recent research  proves that bonding can be established with a child while still in the womb.The mum and dad can actually start  talking to the baby from the first few months of pregnancy. In my next post , I ll be discussing 20 tips on how to create this bond with your unborn baby.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Talk to your kids regularly

Talking to your kids regularly in a loving manner , can help boost their self-confidence .Let them know they are loved.

Thursday 3 January 2013

kids and observation

Kids learn more by observation.Never forget that.They are particularly endowed with an innate ability to imitate their role models- adults closest to them.Whether you are playing with your ,I-pad , Cooking  , excersing , driving or relating with people, they are observing quietly.Most times they mimick your actions while alone or in the company of other kids.So for them it's not really what you tell them to do that they do ,rather they do what they see you do.That  really puts a  lot of responsibilty on parents; as it would be difficult to imbibe in a child virtues that you are not displaying for them to see.If you want them to show love to others for instance, you must be seen showing love to others.In other words they want you to practise what you preach.